الخميس، 22 مايو 2014

طريقة اختبار traveller 2

السؤال الأول -

Match between the words with their meaning

أوصل الكلمات مع المعنى المناسب لها
بيكون على شطل جدول

السؤال الثاني:

Put the the correct word in the appropriate blank : ( one word extraDis)

ضع الكلمة الصحيحة في  الفراغ المناسب - هناك كلة زائدة , الكلمات بتكون موجودة اعلى الجمل

السؤال الثالث :
Look at the verbs below and the write the nouns :

انظر الى الافعال وحولها الى اسماء 
Discuss = Discussion

السؤال الرابع :
قطعة خارجية وعليها خمس اسئلة

السؤال الخامس:
Choose the correct choice 
اختر الاختيار المناسب عن القواعد 

I will arrive ( at - in - on ) 6 o'clock

السؤال السادس :
Do as shown  between brackets :

اكتب ماهو مطلوب منك داخل الاقواس

He didn't play tennis with you ( using : used to )

 الاجابةHe didn't use to play tennis wit you

السؤال الأخير :

تعبير عن نفسك بمالايقل  عن 60 كلمة


الأحد، 20 أبريل 2014


It is accepted and well-known that smoking is a bad habit. Medical science tells us that smoking is injurious to health. It is the cause of many diseases like asthma, cancer, etc. For this reason, a statutory warning was introduced for compulsory display on all packets of cigarettes, chewing tobacco and advertisement for the same that cigarette smoking or chewing of tobacco is injurious to health. Tobacco contains a deadly poison-nicotine. This poison, when inhaled, injuries the heart, lungs, brain and liver. It also affects the digestive system. Staying smoke free will give you a whole lot more of everything - more energy, better Performance, better looks, more money in Your pocket, and, in the long run, more life to live!

The General Questions for the Final Oral Exam

Why are you learning English ? What makes you angry ? How long have you been studying English ? What makes you feel happy? What are th...