الثلاثاء، 22 مارس 2016

طريقة اختبار الميديترم

طريقة اختبار الميدتيرم

1a / fill in the blanks with correct word : املء الفراغات بما يناسب من الكلمات بين الأقواس

       ( outgoing - shy .... )

My brother is ...shy......... . He doesn't like meeting prople مثال

1b /  write the meaning of these phrases : اكتب تعريف الكلمات التالية

Hold on  : wait.

2a / Choose a , b or c : اختر ، سيكون لديك ثلاث خيارات لكل سؤال ( قرامر)
A - He slept early ................... The morning.
     a. In                  b. On                 C. At

الاثنين، 7 مارس 2016

quantifiers homework ( الواجب )

Quantifiers Homework

Name / ______________________________                               Class / _________________

ملاحظة ( التسليم بعد الإجازة بإذن الله )
  • Fill the following blanks with the right quantifiers :

  1.  How .................( many / much ) time do you need to finish the work ?
  2. I spend ................... ( much / many )time reading novels.
  3. There is .................. ( a few / a little ) cars in that area.
  4. I’ve got .................. ( a little / a few ) money.
  5. Would you like ( some / many ) tea ?

الجمعة، 4 مارس 2016

The homework


NAME / …………………………    CLASS / …………….

 1 / Fill the blanks with right prepositions: 

a/ I was born ___ July.

b/ He started work ___ Monday.

c/ She often goes out ___ night.

d/ It rains a lot ___ spring.

e/  I get up ___ 7am.

f/ The class is ____ Tuesdays and Thursdays.

g/  I will wait ______ 6:30, but then I'm going home.

h / Why don't you come to my house …………. Eid Alfitr?

i/ I'll meet you …………… two hours.

g/ I'll be there ………….. 10 minutes.

الأربعاء، 2 مارس 2016

Prepositions of Time حروف الجر مع الوقت

Prepositions of Time
These schedules explain how 
to use the prepositions of time with examples 

الجدولين بالاسفل توضح كيفية استخدام 
حروف الجر مع الوقت مدعمة بالأمثلة

لنكبير الصورة اضغط عليها

The General Questions for the Final Oral Exam

Why are you learning English ? What makes you angry ? How long have you been studying English ? What makes you feel happy? What are th...