السبت، 14 مارس 2015

Write a Text Presenting Yourself

The points that you should talk about :

  • Name
  • Age
  • Nationality
  • Your personality.شخصيتك
  • Where do you live ? / Telling your address.
  • What you're studying ?
  • Your interests. ( I am interested in art,football and .. )
  • Your favourite club / car / colour / or anything.
  • things that you like and dislike.
  • What did you do last weekend? / What will you do in the next weekend?

الأربعاء، 4 مارس 2015

Advantages & Disadvantages of Technology نشاط ملف الأعمال

.  Write about the advantages and disadvantages of technology in English  
اكتب عن مميزات وسلبيات التقنية   باللغة الانجليزية.

يرجى ان تكون الكتابة بورقة A4.. بخط اليد او مطبوعة بالكمبيوتر.

good luck

الأحد، 1 مارس 2015

The General Questions for the Final Oral Exam

Why are you learning English ? What makes you angry ? How long have you been studying English ? What makes you feel happy? What are th...