الثلاثاء، 31 ديسمبر 2013

طريقة اختبار الـ traveller 1

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

Q#1 \ Circle the correct words :

He doesn't respect me . He is polite / rude .

السؤال الأول ضع دائرة على الكلمة الصحيحة

What's the time ?  Write in two ways

كم الساعة ؟ الإخبار عن الوقت بالطريقتين

Q#2-A \ Complete with the correct form of the verbs in brackets :

أكمل الفراغ بالتكوين الصحيح للأفعال التي بين الأقواس

He ...........is.................. (be) a student .

Q#2-B \ make these sentences negative \ affirmative :

حول الجمل ال لاتيه إلى جمل منفية أو مثبته 

I can drive a car   .......I can't drive a car...................................................

Q#3-A \ Choose the correct choice :

اختر الاختيار الصحيح

She has a bag . ....Her............ bag is pink.

(his - her - our)

Q#4 \ Write :
Write a paragraph introducing yourself. Write about your age, nationality, job, address,things you like and dislike, e-mail and personality .  ( no less than 60 words )

عبرعن نفسك 



الأربعاء، 11 ديسمبر 2013

The General Questions

·     What's your name ?

. How are you ?

·     What's your favourite colour ?

·     How old are you ?

·     Where are you from ?

·     What are you like ? ( your personality )

·     Who's your best friend ?

·     What's your best friend like ? ( his personality )

·     What's your hobbies ?

·     What do you usually do in your free time ? at the weekends ?

·     Do you have brothers and sister ? how many ?

·     What do you do ?

·     What does your father do ?

·     Where do you live ?

·     What's your favourite club ?

·     What's your address ?

·     Do you play video games such as PlayStation, X-Box ? when ?

·     What time is it ?

.      How many hours a day do you watch TV ?

·     What's your nationality ?

·     How many times do you pray a day ?

Good Luck

The General Questions for the Final Oral Exam

Why are you learning English ? What makes you angry ? How long have you been studying English ? What makes you feel happy? What are th...