الثلاثاء، 14 مايو 2013

نموذج لتعبير الاختبار النهائي ..... Football


The game of football is the most common sport in the world. commonly known as football or soccer. Football can be found in every corner of geography and history. The Chinese, Japanese, Italian, Ancient Greek, Persian, , and many more played a ball game. The Chinese played football 3000 years ago. it is a sport played between two teams of eleven players with a spherical ball . The object of the game is to score by driving the ball into the opposing goal. The team that scores the most goals by the end of the match wins. 

الأحد، 5 مايو 2013

Reading Questions

1A-What's up ?

1-What can they see on SportPlus channel  ?
- Ed's brother watching playing football.
2-What does Steve think is cool ?
-He thinks Race Rage game is cool.
3-What doesn't Bob like about Race Craze ?
- It's ten years old .
4- Why can't Sam speak to ken any longer ?
- Because mobiles don't work in tunnels.

1B- Keep in touch
5- What changed communication in recent years ?
- The internet appeared .
6- How ca net users communicate with each other ?
- By sending and receiving  e-mails and by online phone calls.
7- Where did people use to keep their photos ?
- They kept their photos in albums .

1D- Good role models
8- When did Lewis begin karting ?
Lewis began karting as a hobby at the age of 8 .
9-What do F1 drivers need to be fit ?
- They need to train hard and be very fit.
10- Who is Ed Stafford ?
- He is a well-know English explorer and a former army captain .

2A- What happened ?
11- Who was with Frank on the cycling trip ?
-  Martin .
12 - What did they do in the second day ?
- They went on a long ride .
13-Why didn't they take pictures of the gorge ?
- Because the camera got wet and stopped working .

2B- Just taste it
14- Where was the writer working ?
- He was working in Singapore .
15- Why the durians were forbidden ?
- Because they smell really bad.
16- How is the taste of the durian ?
- Sweet and tasty.

2D- Adventure
17- What is the desert ?
- It's a large area of land with very little water and very few plants.
18- What is the biggest deserts ?
- The Sahara in Africa.
19- How is the temperature in the Sahara ?
- It can reach 50C but at night it can drop to below zero.
20- How many days can camels stay alive without drinking water ?
- Seven days .
21-What are the possible dangers in the deserts ?
- Heat stroke , severe sunburn and insect bites .

The General Questions for the Final Oral Exam

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